Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jump Start

I'm going through one of those spells when it seems there is so much to do that I'm stunned into inactivity.  I need either a good swift kick in the arse or a set of jumper cables.  I can't even blame the weather, which has been unbelievably perfect for this time of year.  We're usually in triple digits by now, and last night I really needed the quilt back on the bed.  Perhaps I also am suffering from a case of the Poor Pitiful Me's.  This was Reunion Weekend for my husband's family and I wasn't there.  Fifty-plus of the clan get together every year, camping and having tremendous fun.  Thinking of them made me think of my husband even more than usual, and, to add another deposit to the memory bank, it's Father's Day, and I miss my daddy and Steve's dad, too.  These dark clouds float over every so once in awhile, and they pass.  I'm just grateful for the memories. 

Two of my absolute favorite farm jokes: 
Why does the chicken cross the road?  To prove to the raccoon (squirrel, deer, skunk) that it can be done! 
Two hens are standing there, looking at an egg on the ground.  "I don't know what it is, either.  It just fell out m'bum."

Okay, enough of wallowing in the doldrums...there's work to be done! 

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Sounds like you need company for dinner - or to go out and enjoy someone's company - or play some poker and drink beer?? With that sorry that you couldn't be at the reunion and that doldrums set in - all part of the cycle of life, I'm afraid. Maybe your Kids should come up more often!!! Tell them you've seen enough kids and you need some Kids!!