Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sunsets up here are frequently spectacular and because the animals are put in at that time of day, I have the opportunity to pause and really appreciate the scene.  I'm not stuck in an office or in traffic somewhere.  I'm not rushing to fix dinner.  The last thing I do before coming back to the house is fill the water trough for the goats, so I have nothing to do but stand and soak in the beauty.  For some years now, Dave and I have either called or texted, calling attention to a particularly lovely sunset show, sometimes nothing more than (a la "Fantasy Island"), "Da sky, boss!  Da sky!"  He called last evening, pointing my attention to the pastels, fading from the pinks below to the still-blue streaks, going on up into the dark blue of night.  I might call him when the sky is on fire, underlighting the clouds with brilliant golds and reds.  Deb commutes to her job by bus, and she frequently takes a minute to call while waiting at the bus stand in the evening.  Touching base this way, for me, is like that last goodnight kiss at bedtime when the Kids were small.  Sometimes I wish that childhood, and sundown, could last a little longer.


Kathryn said...

Aw...ya gonna make me cry now - thinking of those days when my little guys were 3 and 5 and still love-bugs - small arms around my neck - loving to be tucked into bed...wonderful times for sure. Now fast forward 30 years to last Friday, and I got to walk on the beach with that same "little guy" at sunset, and it was spec-TAC-u-lar. We watched the sun sink right into the ocean, and then 20 minutes later when we were still walking back to his home, the sky was unbelivable. I'm not usually in that location at that time of day and it was breathtaking...crisp dark blue ocean horizon line with no clouds, and then fire red meeting that line, and fading up into the coming evening sky. To think - we all see the same sky - but such different views. From now on, when I see a sunset, I'll think of you and your Kids too!

alexandra/sandy said...

what can i say but: AMEN to bo's blog and kit's comment...we should all take time to appreciate and enjoy - we are blessed - no matter what daily problems we struggle with...remember - it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile...so smile on...