Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dropping Like Flies

Another giant has fallen.  What a start to the day.  At first light, sitting at the computer and wondering what to write about today, I heard a crack, a rumble, and a crash.  The big, beautiful oak that has been such an asset to my skyline is gone.  No professional could have dropped this tree with more precision.  It missed the clothesline.  It missed the Cecile Brunner rose that I love, and it came within inches of the driveway.  Had it come this way, it would have squooshed the end of the house and deck, and probably Bessie and me.  Had it gone to the west, I would have lost the splitter and the live oak.  I know that many, many birds have lost their homes.  I feel a tremendous sense of loss, could have been so much worse.  When it's a "decent" hour, I'll put a call in to Tree Guy.  I didn't realize we were going to have such a longlasting relationship.  Seems I'm not only going to put his kids through college, now they can start thinking about postgraduate school.  At least it won't be far to stack the firewood.  As Steve was wont to say, "Look at the bright side."

Whatever thoughts I might have had for today's entry have gone completely from my mind.  As with so much in life, it is what it is.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I guess we had BETTER look on the bright side - that being the fact that you are still here to write another day! Thank you, dear God, and I mean that with all my heart!