Sunday, September 25, 2011


The Green-eyed Monster has arisen in the chicken pen.  The flock runs to me whenever I step into their yard as they know I bring treats, and I lead them like the Pied Piper into the coop at night.  Pick-Me-Up Peggy stands in the doorway, waiting for her evening cuddle, as the others race for their snack.  I've noticed the little red hen, one of the Rhodies, hanging around Peggy before, but didn't think too much about it.  Last night, I had Peggy tucked under one arm as I went out to shut the small door and darned near tripped over the red hen as she ran in front of me.  "What are you doing, you little twerp?  Go on into the house!"  I tried to take a step...she moved in front...and again.  "What?  Are you jealous?  You want a ride too?!"  It is very difficult to pick up a chicken with one hand.  It is impossible to tend to the last chores, filling the waterers, etc., with a hen under each arm.  Those would have to wait until tomorrow as I needed to get down to the goat barn.  I put Peggy and the as-yet-unnamed red hen inside.  Before I could close the big door, they both popped out again, looking up at me.  I put them in.  They popped out.  This is getting out of hand.  These girls would rather have a ride than enjoy their nighttime treats.  I don't think this is normal behavior.  Peggy is strange by herself, and what possessed the red to think this is such a good idea?

Twenty-Two has integrated into the herd.  Inga has taken it upon herself to be his nanny.  He was playing big shot with her yesterday, racing around and wanting to head butt.  She would rear up and very gently thunk him on the forehead.  He has accepted the herd routines very well.  Twenty-Two doesn't know it, but he got his last bottle last night.  He's a big boy now.

All four bucks were back at dusk.  Bessie Anne took her cue from me and ignored them.  I know she saw the boys, but responded well to, "By me.  Stay by me."  Good girl.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Wow, I'm impressed that Bessie Anne has such good control, and trusts you so much that she ignored her own instincts and listened. Good girl is right! And another "pick-me-up"...what a riot! I hope you TOLD Twenty-Two that he has guzzled his last. I still remember that one Christmas when there were no more presents from my Grandparents...I'm sure they discussed it with our parents, but nobody told US, and it was a shock. Poor Twenty-Two...what a shock : )) (I DO understand tho!)