Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tactical Error

Seduced by the warmth of the sun after some pretty cold, wet days that had been preceded by some darned hot ones, I grabbed a book when I came back up from the barn and went out to sit on the deck.  That was a mistake.  There was a lot I could have, and should have, done instead, but the combination of a beautiful day and a new thriller novel was a siren's call I couldn't resist.  A few weak feelings of guilt intruded, but I pushed them aside and turned the page.  The book I had started in the morning was finished by sundown and the day ended as it had begun, in the barn, with not a lot but my personal pleasure in between.  It was a good day.


Kathy V said...

Sounds like quite an accomplished day!

Kathryn said...

I agree with Kathy! If I could read a book in a day...there would be celebratory fireworks!! And yay for sun in which you can bask - take it while you can get it!