Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mistaken Identity

Running later than usual, I was racing through morning chores.  I'd just put the filled water bowls back in the hen house when my little red hen ran up for a cuddle.  "I really don't have time for this, but okay," and I bent down for her.  She backed up a few steps.  "Hey, come on.  I'm in a hurry here."  She came a little way back so I reached out and picked her up and, man, did she ever start squawking!  "What's up with that?  You never act like this."  And then Betty came around the corner and wanted to know why I was holding another chicken.  I apologized profusely for my faux pas.  I felt like I'd been caught cheating.

One chicken may look like another and most mice are indistinguishable, but Dumbo cannot be mistaken.  I haven't seen the little mouse with the low-set ears for awhile, but he was everywhere yesterday, eating grain and sucking up milk.  He's the cutest darn thing.

Once again, Cindy snuffed all over my my face and nuzzled my hair.  When I went back to the coop and this time picked up the right hen, Betty said, "Your hair is a mess.  Let me fix it for you."  You haven't lived until you've been groomed by a chicken.

Had a nice, unexpected visit with Linda later in the morning.  She had donated food to Camille for two foundling puppies Cam had picked up from the middle of the road the day before.

In addition to the Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, Camille had given me several large tomatoes.  When is the last time you slurped down a sandwich?  Toasted bread spread with butter, slathered with mayonnaise, with thick slabs of sweet, juicy tomato.  Talk about the taste of summer!  It was so good for lunch that I had another for dinner.  Then I went down to Camille's to meet the German Shepherd-mix puppies (what a pair of corkers they are!) and get a refill of the tomatoes.

I'll be unmistakable, the lady with chicken spit in her hair and a tomato overdose blush to her skin.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh that made me laugh - from Betty's ire in the beginning to Betty's spit at the end! Oh, and the sandwich sounds yummy. The best tomatoes I have EVER had were at Tinka's and Bill's in mid-September 1975! And the corn was the sweetest too. If you wonder why I know the exact date...it's because it was the first time we had taken our first born on a road trip and he was 6 weeks old! There was just something about their produce that year. But in all honesty, I'm not sure that I was ever there again in mid-September.