Sunday, October 8, 2017

Done And Done

Finis, over, finished, the last of the pears, ta da!  And here's the empty box to prove it.  Well, empty except for the last bowl ready to be bagged up and stuffed in the freezer, and then I happily called it quits. The squirrels and big and little birds won't be so pleased.  They've been enjoying the cores and soft bits on their cereal in the morning.

I did not milk Tessie yesterday.  Her udder was pretty soft, which tells me that she is about ready to be finished with that part of her career.  We'll see how she is today.

Camille called in the morning to tell me that a number of vultures were circling over town and she though it might be the migration.  (Since the hardware store closed, "town" consists of The Pub and a wine-tasting cave.)  The migration has normally taken place somewhere between September 21-28, but the weather has been so off kilter this year, it could be this late.  But no, only about twenty showed up so it must have been dead livestock or a large roadkill.

I celebrated the end of the pear epic with a dinner of caramelized kielbasa and Lyonnaise potatoes.  It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Congrats on Pear Freedom Day, and Tessie Retirement Month! I'm glad that your morning routine is getting shorter. Who knows...maybe your body will let you sleep in more often!!