Saturday, April 21, 2018


My mother had a saying for nearly every situation, as did many of her generation.  If asked to repeat something, her response was, "I don't chew my cabbage twice."  On an extremely hot day, she'd say, "Whew!  Think I'll take off my skin and dance around in my bones."  Some of them were nonsensical and others were full of sage advice.  One particular affirmation I remember is, "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."  That worked pretty well on most things except when she tried to teach me mathematics.  I could read before I started kindergarten, but math might still as well be written in Sanskrit.

While not ready for a full-court press yesterday, I was, in fact, getting better and tended to a few piddly chores with a lot of sit-down time between.  I think Arden understood, however, when I excused myself from what would have been a most welcome visit.  I sure didn't want to share this contagious cold, and she didn't want it, either.  (I'm holding the good thought for the young couple who were here earlier in the week.)

Celeste is going to be bereft when I'm done with R&R (military slang for rest and recuperation) and she no longer has a constant lap available.  She's come to think of it as "her" lap and hers alone.  When Ralph needs a bit of a cuddle, he has to squeeze into whatever space is left.

The weather, too, is getting better and better.  It was in the high sixties yesterday.  I left a message for the neighborhood mechanic, Beau, asking if he could get John Dear running again before the yards and fields are totally overrun.  That doesn't take long once the weather warms up.

All's well that ends well.  Mother said.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Glad you are getting better...sorry that math never worked for you!