Sunday, July 28, 2019


A disaster was narrowly averted yesterday, whew!  As I was going back to the laundry room to fold clothes, I glanced into the guest bedroom, the room that Ralph, Celeste, and once in awhile GB have taken over.  I've shown photos before of how Ralph prefers the bed, with the covers half on the floor and the sheets pulled back.  I don't go in there much anymore.  Anyhow, in passing, I noted I hadn't opened the windows for summer weather and thought I'd better do that.  No problem with the first one, and I went on to the south window, my mind busy with other things.  It was while I was fiddling with the latch that I actually looked at what I was doing.  GASP!  This huge wasp or hornet nest (I didn't ask for ID) was/is on the inside and attached to the screen.  All those white bumps are egg cases and there were dozens and dozens of wasp nannies tending to the nest, which is way bigger than my outspread hand.  Can you imagine what would have happened if I'd opened the window?  I could, and it scared me silly.  I grabbed a can of wasp killer, went outside and liberally sprayed the nest and every wasp I could see.  I mean I soaked that thing.  I hotfooted it back in the house just in case there were reinforcements.  I'll be keeping an eye on the nest from inside the house for a while.

I had to go to town, and I deliberated whether to take GB with me, finally deciding that the A/C in the truck outweighed the minute or two it would take to get inside the stores.  GB was his usual Good Boy self, and I waited patiently as he piddled on every leaf, tree trunk and post in the shade at every stop.  That was a mistake, as we got to the bank 20 minutes after it closed.  Thanks, GB.

It was over 100 degrees and I was soaked with perspiration.  It's not a pretty picture when one is trying to write a check (I'm old school) and sweat is dripping off your nose.  At least the floor in the air-conditioned stores was a relief for GB.

I did remember about the whole-house fan in the evening, and for the last two nights I've had the ceiling fan in the bedroom going.  Today is supposed to be the worst one yet.  Aaargh.

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