Sunday, August 18, 2019

That Was Then...

This is now.  I haven't worn my hair this short since I was riding motorcycle back in the early 1970s.  I had ridden behind for years, but decided I wanted to drive so I bought a motorcycle.  It mattered not that it had to be delivered because I didn't know how to drive it.  The Kids' dad thought I'd gone bonkers, but he put it up on the stand in the driveway and showed me how to run through the gears and coordinate the shift lever, brake, and throttle by hand.  After a lot of practice, I got brave enough to take it out on the road...5 mph in first gear until I worked up the courage to shift into second as I drove around the block.  Whoop whoop!  After that, there was no stopping me.  There weren't a lot of women riders back in the day.  I'd be stopped at a red light.  "Honey, is that a...?"  "Yup, I'm pretty sure that's a female."

I rode to work on my bike, wearing boots, jeans, and a helmet, and carrying a skirt in a bag.  I was assistant to the hospital administrator and, by agreement, we wouldn't speak until I'd gone into the big filing closet and changed.  The maintenance chief and his second in command found out I rode and asked me to ride with them  They rode a big (I mean big!) Harley and a Gold Wing, and I putted along on my 360 cc Honda, but I kept up.  The concentration required on a bike got me through a rough time in my life.  Ah, well.  That was then.

Deb, Craig, and Candy got here about the same time.  "What style would you like?"  "I don't care.  I just want it short.  I can't stand this heat!"  Candy went to work.  Deb liked the result so well, she got her hair cut just like it.

After Candy had gone, I made a cold soup for lunch with cucumbers brought up by the Kids.  Sure tasted good on a hot day, and we had time to sit and chat afterward.  It was a good visit, as it always is, and always too short, regardless.

Turns out today will be back to back to back, as Dave was given a truckload of firewood and he's bringing it up this morning.  He said he can't stay because he has a lunch date down in the valley, but it will be nice to see him even for a little while.  I'm sure getting my money's worth out of one dusting.


Emmy said...

Me too, How did I ever get talked into letting my hair grow?

One night, fully frustrated, I took kitchen shears ( well who is going to pay $40 at local beauty parlor?)
And just chopped off that long hair...and now
Can wash it easier and it drys in minutes., and curls right up..
And really looks better....
Why did it take me so long to do this ?

Kathryn Williams said...

Since I have committed to short hair...going on 50 years, I would give a lot to have some wave and wash and wear hair. From what I can see, yours looks WONDERFUL!! Yay to freedom and coolness!