Friday, November 1, 2019

Dark Days, Darker Nights

Any power outage is cause for grousing.  It is inconvenient at the least.  "I can't flush the toilet.  I have no water.  I can't use the computer.  The wireless phones are dead, etc., etc."  Boo hoo, poor me.  As time goes on, these things become critical.  This time the power was out for six days and nights, and that's a long time to go without the necessities, let alone the amenities.  It wasn't too bad for the first couple of days.  I fired up the great LED lantern in the dark and was able to read, morning and night (finished three books).  With no way to recharge the lantern, and not knowing how long this thing would last, I quit using it, saving it for an emergency.

Morning comes slowly.  The hours waiting for the sun to pull itself up over the hills seem endless.  On the other end, the sun drops like a stone and darkness falls quickly.  There is a lot of dark during a blackout.  With a small flashlight in hand, I sat and waited for either sleep or daylight.  As I told Kathy V., it's a good thing I'm always hearing music in my head when that's the only entertainment available.  For awhile I got stuck on "Under The Bamboo Tree" (1901), probably best remembered as sung by Judy Garland and Margaret O'Brien in Meet Me In St. Louis (1944).

The wireless phones drop as soon as the power is cut, that's why I maintain a land line, again for emergencies.  The Kids had planned ahead and gave me this thingy that allows me to recharge the cellphone in the truck, so I didn't feel quite so isolated.  Michael, Ralph and Celeste are great companions, but not so good at conversation.  Arden came over several times because, thanks to Kit, I could make hot coffee, and for the company.  Kathy V. kept in touch via texting, and I looked forward to her morning check-in.

The wild things were looking forward to taking back their turf.  Tinka had seen a bear(!) right outside her kitchen window.  Deer were waiting in the driveway here in front of the house.  When I opened the door, they said, "Drat, we thought you were gone!," and bounded off.  When there are no other sounds, the birds become very loud.  The crows have come back and caw continuously.  I wonder if they irritate the other birds, too.  A flicker became very nosy and kept flying up to look in the living room window.  Sorry, kids, I'm here for the duration.

Michael and I had gone out yesterday to check on the goats and chickens.  Omigosh, I had a great leap of joy when I saw that a lamp that had been on when the power went out was lit!  We were back in the land of the light and living!  First thing, flush the toilets.  Next, run the dishwasher.  Charge the lantern and the cellphone.  Bake the pizza that had been in the fridge.  Life is good.  I'm back!


Kathryn Williams said...

Whew, whew, whew. I would have texted but I knew you needed to save any phone battery you had. And I'm glad you enjoyed your coffee. I first saw one of those years ago when my mother in law would visit. Neither of us had drunk coffee by that time in our lives and I didn't realize how polite it would have been to have a coffee pot. She lived only 10 minutes away so wasn't there for breakfast ever, but she did buy the single cup pour over for us to just keep in the cupboard for whenever. I can't believe they cut you for 6 days. That's a LONG time without the use of your well!! Glad you made it. I thought of you and Tinka often, and yes, I heard about the BEAR!!!

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh, and I kept checking the blog a couple of times a day to see if you were up and running.