Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Needed That!

Rushing around yesterday, I came across the box of costumes that Michael came with.  Thinking to get a little holiday spirit going, I chose the Santa hat.  Is this the face of a happy dog?

No, it is not.  "Mom, you make me look like a fool!"

I told him that I'd take it off if he'd let me get just one good picture.  To be honest, this looks a lot more like "Bah humbug," than "Ho Ho Ho."  (He doesn't know about the Halloween witch hat with the orange wig.  Shhh.)

The Kids started showing up midday.  There is nothing like the gathering of the clan to cure the blahs, and I got a healthy dose yesterday.  They came bearing gifts and KFC!  This was the first year I haven't cooked, but with KFC on the table, I couldn't/wouldn't complain.  We may have started a new tradition.

Then came a flurry of tissue and wrapping paper as we opened presents.  Clyde, Deb and Craig's cat, was very generous to Michael and the cats, gifting them with bags and jars of treats.  No, they're not spoiled.  Dave is a big believer in toys for Christmas and gave everyone a small drone, controlled (or not) by the waving of hands.  It was an episode of Star Wars, and I was attacked several times.  For nearly forty years, Deb picked up where my father left off and gave me a box of See's candy, his every-year present.  I promptly put it in a cupboard like any respectable hoarder, not willing to share.

The Kids were very impressed with the new, improved deck.  Being a sunny day, they spent time out there.  Dave, a foreman on a multi-million project, sent kudos to Mike.

Deb has a fancy-dancy phone that will take a photo on a timer and got a good shot of all of us together.  She sent it to my phone and I will share it when I figure out how to transfer it to the computer.

All to soon, it was time for Deb, Craig, Dave, Clay, and Jester to get out of the hills before dusk when the deer come out.  It was a good day and a merry, Merry Christmas.  I needed that.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw it sounds like a nice time was had by all.