Sunday, January 19, 2020

Who's There?

Finishing up at the computer just after the sun was fully up yesterday, I heard a thump on the deck.  I glanced out but didn't see anyone or anything.  I was pretty sure I'd heard it, but maybe not.  No, there it was again, followed by a few running footsteps.  Who was out there?  By then I was out of the chair and checking windows.  Again, nothing.  Hmmm.  And then the stalker showed himself by flying up to the deck rail.  It was a big tom turkey, the leader of a gang that had been lurking down below and which burst into a chorus of displeasure when he reported there was no breakfast to be found.  The majority sang out in high-pitched wheet-wheet-wheets, joined by baritone gobble-gobbles.  They let me know in no uncertain terms that the service was pretty lax at this establishment.

This is a lousy photo, but there was another guest on the deck yesterday morning.  Missy is making herself quite at home now.  She met Michael and me by the front porch when we finished our walk, and then raced around the deck to where her food bowl is.  I'd had the foresight to fill it before taking Michael out.  Tummy full, she came to sit and watch the house cats inside.  I think it's curiosity and not envy.  She's a free spirit and comes and goes as she pleases.

I'm not the only one asking who's there.  The owls outside in the dark ask it over and over, "Who, who, who?"

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