Friday, April 10, 2020

Marching On

Regardless of what else is happening in the "real" world, up here Nature just keeps on keeping on.  Thick fog again this morning, a good reason to stay inside.  Yesterday it had dissipated by the time of our first walk.  Either I hadn't been paying attention or the old girl was pulling one of her conjuring tricks again.  Eleven(!) peony plants had magically appeared in the front garden.  ('Garden' is such a misnomer here, wishful thinking at best.)  I am so grateful that peonies are not on the menu for deer or squirrels, especially since when we went out again later, several deer went bounding away in the driveway.  I've seen reports that more and more wildlife are "coming out of the woods," as it were, because of the lack of people out and about.  Michael is disappointed on our walks because there is no activity whatsoever down at the winery.

There is a phenomenon this year that I've never experienced.  Usually by this time my property would be teeming with ground squirrels, and I've yet to see a one.  What's up with that?

Speaking of Michael as I so often do ("That's a joke, son," Foghorn Leghorn) he either succumbed to greed, hunger, or decided the best hiding place for his treat was to eat it.  After moving it around from here to there, he laid down and crunched away.  Take that, cats!

Because the news is sometimes (as in 'every day') more than I can handle, I play a lot of mind-numbing Sudoku and computer solitaire.  Whatever it takes.

Missy just now jumped up on the outside portion of the window air cooler to spy on the house cats and/or drive them bonkers.  I guess she wants her breakfast, another thing that doesn't change.  Time marches on and the sun just broke through.
Stay well.  Be safe.


Kathryn Williams said...

Maybe Michael likes his treats like he likes his wine...aged! Ha. Wow, we have had rain for days and days. It has stopped long enough to dry the pavement, but then it returns. I don't remember this many days in a row in a long time. I wouldn't see squirrels even if I had them!!

Fiddletownfloey said...

The squirrels have gone south! We've never had so many. Casey (youngest kitty and Michael's half sister) thinks they are much more interesting than the lizards