Saturday, September 12, 2020

Along For The Ride

It is a toss-up as to who is accompanying whom when Michael and I go to town.  Sometimes I feel I am just the chauffeur and spokesperson for the principal character.  "Oh, what a beautiful dog!  What kind is he?"  "How old is he?"  "May I pet him?"  "I had a dog just like dog I ever had."  "I just love his name" (well, he picked it).  It's like that wherever we go.  Michael takes it in stride, like royalty.

It's my job to drive him to the best piddle places, just as it's his job to give equal attention to all growing things:  flowers, bushes, trees, and twigs.  Michael is an equal-opportunity piddler.  He never met a post he didn't like.  I stand by like the loyal servant or lady-in-waiting while he takes care of the serious business.

Michael had to do some waiting of his own yesterday.  Some years (yes, years) back, all the Kids had given me a huge gift certificate for massage, generally unused.  Not that I don't love and appreciate a massage, it's much like why I don't stop for lunch in town.  All I want to do is tend to business and go home.  I've always been prone to tension knots in my back and recently had developed a couple of nearly crippling doozies, and I had the solution right there in my wallet.  I called, not sure such a one-on-one business would be open due to the virus.  She answered, so I asked about her preventive measures, and also if she would allow a dog to come in.  All answers were satisfactory, so that was our main stop yesterday.  It was Michael's turn to wait.  As could be expected, he found a spot under the table and napped while I was in back-rub heaven.  I'm not going to wait so long for a return trip to nirvana.  Michael can come along for the ride.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

That makes me smile. My one pampering luxury is a monthly massage. glad you got one!