Sunday, October 4, 2020

Oh, Deer!

Twice in the last week and twice yesterday, while Michael and I have been on our walks we have surprised buck deer in the fenced, what-used-to-be the garden.  It's totally overgrown with grapevines, weeds, and a totally out-of-control wisteria.  A pomegranate tree struggles to survive, and I've never gotten to the fruit of the apricot tree before the birds.  I don't know what the deer are finding in there to eat, but there they are.  These are big healthy bucks, a three-point and a forked horn.  For a few seconds we stand and look at each other (Michael just looks, too) before they make a tremendous, effortless leap and bound over the six-foot fence and away.  Let me tell you, that can make your day.

I had a dear of my own yesterday.  Dave rode up on his motorcycle and we spent a few hours together on the porch.  I turned the sprinkler on in the struggling herb garden and we listened to and watched birds enjoy the spray and the newly filled bird bath.  Working out of town during the week, Dave's leisure time is limited, and I appreciated that he chose to spend some of it here.  When he left, our Love You's were nearly drowned out by the roar of his Harley.  Heard or not, they were heartfelt.

It was a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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