Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Full Moon Rising

(Not to be mistaken for 'Bad Moon Rising', Credence Clearwater Revival, 1969.)

The full moon was absolutely spectacular last night, huge and bright.  What never ceases to amaze me is the indication of its orbit.  From the vantage point of my chair, sometimes the moon comes up to the northeast, and at other times, like now, it comes up directly in the east.  The coyotes, those Children of the Night, have moved on or they'd have been howling last night in celebration.

Today is also a day for reflection and celebration.  It is Deb and Craig's (always said as one word) twentieth  anniversary.  Their wedding was held here in our backyard, and rarely to never has there been a happier couple.  The best part is that they are still best friends and share boundless love and respect.  They manage to keep their separate identities while becoming as one.  They're an inspiration and they make me proud.

Be sure to look at the moon tonight!

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, DebandCraig!! (Written as one word, you see) LOL