Thursday, June 10, 2021


Ohmigosh, you should see this place!  Helper Dude came yesterday with the intention of using Fu Manchu to mow down the west field and the many other overgrown shaggy areas.  Fu said he'd gone into retirement (make that re-tirement).  He is so old that one of his tires has split.  "No problem," said HD.  He has a weedeater that could take a man off at the knees.  He fired it up and went to work.  In what seemed like no time, he had cleared the west field,  along the long driveway, the backyard, the front yard, around all the buildings, and a good portion of the north field.  The man is a machine!

In literally a matter of days, we had gone from slogging through tall wet weeds to crunching through tall dry fire fodder.  It wasn't a matter of aesthetics, it was a necessity.  I feel so much safer.

It is such a pleasure to sit outside and look at this place the way it should look.  Michael isn't so pleased because he's lost his favorite relief stations in the weeds.  He can still water the junipers, but has to go public with the big jobs.  He'll get over it.

To say it was a good day is an understatement.  Helper Dude sure earned his pay and a good rest.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw I'm so happy for you!!