Saturday, September 15, 2018

A Day Of Firsts

Evidently the new little girls are settling in nicely because the first thing I saw when I opened the coop door in the morning was an, wait...two eggs!  Good girls!

Later in the day I went out to sit on the deck and enjoy a cool breeze, first time I've done that since the beginning of summer, and it was lovely.

Still later, when I was back in the house, I heard Stanley (in honor of Delivery Guy) crow for the first time.  I'd been wondering when that might happen.  It had taken the little Silkie rooster almost a week before he got brave enough to proclaim his presence.  Once he started, Stanley wouldn't shut up.  He announced his arrival in the territory over and over.  You go, Stanley!

Not for the first time and certainly not the last, Arden came over in the afternoon for a drink, nibbles, and nonstop conversation.  As she said, we never seem to run out of things to talk about.  Cam had finished her first week of chemo and radiation and understandably just wanted to chill, but she was missed.

Come sundown, I went out to herd the chickens in for the night.  To my surprise, they were all in the coop already and had chosen their spots on the roosts.  In all the years I've had chickens, that had never happened before.

Having nearly frozen the night before, last night I put a blanket back on the bed, first time in months.

It was a day for the record books.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I'm smiling! Yay for the contented, smart chickens!! And I love "Stanley!" How fitting!