Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday at Farview

Kathryn must have had a moment of prescience because I did, indeed, have a visit from one of my Kids yesterday.  Clay came up to watch the NASCAR race at Bristol.  It was a disappointing race in that none of the family's drivers won, but my day was made by Clay's company.  When I got his message, it solved the question of whether to go out to mow down the star thistle or stay in and do housework.  It was unusually cool, and the thunderstorms in the mountains even sent a sprinkle of rain over Fair Play.  It's predicted to go to triple digit tomorrow and all this week.  Go figure.

Clay walked out with me to put the kids to bed and we found another Silkie egg.  Either Satomi or Keiko were inspired, or Yuki is on a egg roll (yuck yuck).  Bedtime at the goat barn continues to create bedlam.  Lucy decided to go with the Big Three; she hasn't slept in there for over a year, and Sheila has evidently bonded with Poppy. 

I encountered a significant problem with my internet carrier this morning, and it may be that I've lost my email address list and current emails.  Knowing that this will undoubtedly entail long periods of being put on hold to repair, I'm putting it off until after barn chores.  The weather is cool today, and I'm hoping I can stay cool with tech service, too.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Oh no...I would only wish tech service phone calls, wait times, and hard to understand instructions on people about whom I did not care!! But I WOULD wish visits from dear Kids on those about whom I DO care, so HOW FANTASTIC! Did you serve pasta??? And did you remember that "With Six You Get Eggroll???