Sunday, November 21, 2010

Photo Ops

These photos were taken with the new camera, and I'm going to let them speak for themselves.  Those at the table are, clockwise from left to right, Deb and Craig, my grandson Brandon, granddaughter Taylor, Dave, Clay, Zach (Dave's housemate), Larry and his lady, Sue.  Only Pete and Jake are missing, and they were missed.  Deb and Craig spent the night and headed home just as it started spitting snow this morning.  The last picture is exactly how Bessie Anne and I spent most of today.  It's late, I'm tired, and oh, so happy.  I'll write more about our Thanksgiving in the morning.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

The pictures from the new camera are GREAT, the food looks divine, the family looks SO happy, and whooped! Now, you had BETTER have been in that poker game to represent the gals...and that was a lousy flop - unless somebody had 2 spades! Can't wait to read more tomorrow!!