Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Pete is on a straight path to recovery, according to his brother Dave.  Having both eyes operated on had to be traumatic, but he's a trooper and was home shortly after noon.  Dave was able to spread the good news to family and friends via group texts; ain't technology grand?!

It wasn't until I'd left the house on my way to an appointment with my oncologist that I remembered that Bucks Bar Road is closed for much needed repairs.  Taking the detour adds some time when going to town and I'm not as familiar with that route.  Aarrgh!  The doctor had the results of those multiple blood tests and had found a hiccup in one that will require some significant further tests next year.  Life is full of detours.

Appointments were running behind and I had to rush home (via the detour) to get back and tuck the goats in before dark at 4:30.  That done, Bess jumped in the truck and we took the trash down to the big road.  It's one of her favorite "road trips" because she gets a treat when we get home.

I have what I hope is my final appointment with the surgeon today and will leave in plenty of time.

Pete's news made it a good day, indeed.

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