Friday, December 22, 2017

The Smallest Things

Two baskets of a variety of toys and toys strewn throughout the house, and what is Celeste's favorite?  This small piece of blue fluff.  I can't bring myself to throw it away, as she finds it, throws it in the air, bats it across the room, and rolls on it.  She might ignore Fluff for days, but then, aha!, and the game is on.  It doesn't hold the same attraction for Ralph.

If my body moved as fast as my mind, I'd be a whirling dervish, a dynamo on wheels, and a force to be reckoned with.  With the morning starting out at 26 degrees yesterday, I blamed my lack of activity on the cold; after all, even sap in the trees flows slower in winter.  We all trooped to the kitchen this morning and I went through my routine, my mind whizzing with all that needs to be done today, and I do mean today.  The beeper on the coffee machine signaled it was done and I poured a big mug water.  I'd forgotten one small thing, the coffee.  I hope this isn't a portent of how the day is going to go.

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