Thursday, February 13, 2020


The girls, Sheila and Tessie, had company over for a meal yesterday.  When I saw movement in the south pasture, my first thought was that there must be a break in the fence and Sheila was going walkabout.  No, there's Sheila in the shade of the oak in the pen...and there's Tessie.  Then, boop...boop, two more deer said their goodbyes and jumped the fence to go home.  As more and more people move into the area, there is less and less free territory for the wildlife.  It was not unusual twenty years ago to have large herds of deer grazing on my property.  Now it's rare to see as many as these three at one time.  Steve's family were/are avid hunters, but we made a pact when we moved here not to kill anything on Farview.  I never put out food for the critters, but they could help themselves and say thanks by keeping the weeds down.

Locals on FB are posting frequent sightings of mountain lions lately.  I'm not sure that I'd be as welcoming if one of the big cats showed up here for dinner.  I can only imagine what would be on the menu.  The bear that was right outside Tinka's kitchen window not long ago evidently found slim pickings and has not, to my knowledge, returned.  Moonlight or no, I just don't go out after dark anymore.

PG&E guy did not call as he said he would.  Rats.  I wasted the day (so?) waiting for him, which means the postponed trip to town is mandatory today.  Ah, well, Michael will be pleased.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

How nice that Sheila and Tessie were welcoming and didn't freak out! You must have taught them to share the riches!!