Sunday, February 9, 2020


Hey, it happens.  When people or animals live in close proximity, sometimes there are disagreements and they get into a tiff.  I can always tell when the goats are in a snit.  Normally, Sheila and Tessie graze and rest within a few yards of each other.  Where I find one, the other is close by.  When they've had a falling out, they stay on opposite sides of the fence between the two pens, I suppose until one apologizes.  The funny thing is that they still stay close and it's a wire fence.  It's not like leaving the room and slamming the door.

Ralph has been bugging Celeste and driving her to distraction.  She'll be sleeping peacefully or just looking out the window and minding her own business and Ralph will come up and slap her or jump on her.  He makes me think of the Glenn Close line from Fatal Attraction (1987, with Michael Douglas), "I will not be ignored."  When Celeste has had enough, she gets up and gives him some serious what for.  This ends up with her chasing him throughout the house, which is what he wanted in the first place.  Like the goats, they always make up.

Wind was predicted, and wind we got last night.  It was a real howler, but seems to have calmed down by daylight.

Michael sat on me again.  What's up with that?

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Is Michael protecting you...or is he "King of the Sleeping Hill?" :-)