Friday, December 4, 2020


I have to find a way to put some structure back in my life.  Without some sort of deadline, everything has just gone higgledy-piggledy around here.  Lists of chores are fine, but pretty much 'when I get around to it.'  Every morning, Steve would start the day with, "What's the plan?"  I need a plan, not my usual 'Well, I should do this, or I could do that,' and end up not doing much of anything.  I don't know what I'd do without the animals.  They all get fed and Michael gets his walks.  I need them as much as or more than they need me.  Maybe I'll get a day-planner.  Or not.  (See what I mean?)  There was an old song we sang at Girl Scout camp..."Today is Monday.  Monday's wash day, Tuesday's ironing, etc."  Maybe I'll try that.  Not that I'll be doing any ironing.  When Linda was staying here, I couldn't even find the ironing board for her.  That's one of the benefits of wearing bibbies and tee-shirts.

Wish me luck.  The sun will be up soon, and that means my computer time is one deadline for the day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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