Friday, February 5, 2021


Michael doesn't shed hair like any other dog I've had.  He sometimes drops a puff here or there, easy to see and pick up.  It wasn't until last summer that I really brushed him out, and then he donned his thick winter coat and I thought brushing was just a once-a-year job.  I've always kept a slicker brush by my chair for any passing cat or dog of the day, but wasn't too concerned about Michael.  The other day I noticed he was looking a little scruffy and picked up the brush.  Holy cow!  Working steadily, I got enough loose fur to create a chihuahua!  Brush brush, clean the brush and repeat.  It seems I'm always apologizing to this dog for some wrongdoing or lack of doing, not for lack of caring, but for ignorance of his breed or training.  By the way, he looks pretty spiffy now.

The huge ball of brushed fur made me wish I still spun.  Once upon a time I bought sheep's fleece or any other material that I could spin into yarn and knit or crochet into socks or caps, etc.  My friend Florence brought me a bag or two of fur from her Scottish deer hounds (they're shedders) and I made her a cap.  Because their hair is coarse, I trimmed around the face with sheep's wool.  A cap from Michael's fur would be soft as a cloud.  The wheel has been sitting in the living room gathering dust for years now, but it's a nice thought.

Michael isn't the only one in the family to look a little unkempt.  Probably because it's been so cold and I've worn a stocking cap daily, with my ultra-short haircut, I've developed a cowlick. I had to go grocery shopping yesterday and bore an amazing resemblance to Dennis the Menace and there wasn't a thing I could do about it.  I hope other shoppers put it down to age and eccentricity.  I was at the one store where Michael cannot go, so at least I didn't suffer from comparison.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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