Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Edge

 So close.  I'm getting so close to the edge.  Yesterday was really lovely and I took a photo in the morning of a robin's-egg blue sky with big, white puffy clouds to share.  Yeah, well.  The phone sent the photo to a place from which I cannot share.  Sorry 'bout that, you would have liked it.

I backed away from the computer entirely and took a mental health day.  Good thing, because this morning it wants me to do something else weird and I don't want to play.

Michael and I did get to sit outside for a bit in the afternoon, but not too long because the breeze (wind) was so chill.  We did get outside, and that's healthy for both of us.

Camille called.  She's doing well and even driving again.  Her broken hip, hip replacement, and broken hand were/are a real setback for someone so active.  She's the racehorse and I'm the old grey mare, but right now we're trotting along at about the same speed...mine.

Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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