Thursday, March 18, 2021

Blast From The Past

The other night I had a most welcome surprise phone call from a long-unheard-from nephew.  The conversation rambled far and wide, and then it stuck on genealogy.  There's a bit of a family hiccup in that my mother was his grandmother, but my father (second husband) was not his grandfather.  That's why my sister was Irish and I'm not.  Phil has done extensive research into his Mom's (my sister) side of the family.  I mentioned I would like to know more about my Dad's family line.  Daddy's parents were taciturn people, always referred to as Mr. and Mrs., never Grandpa and Grandma, so no information ever came from them.  Within minutes, Phil had pulled up ancient photos of my Dad's WWI draft card from 1917 (he was sent to France) and his registration card when he was 45 in WWII.  I even recognized my Dad's handwriting.  For some time now, I've been watching Finding Your Roots and found it fascinating.  I've been toying with the idea of going on, now I'm inspired!

Our walks yesterday were pleasant.  Today, I fear not s'much.  At least 1-1/2" of rain is predicted for this afternoon.  Of course it is.  I'm scheduled for my second Covid shot at 1 p.m. and have any number of stops in town to make that I've procrastinated almost into oblivion.  "Can I do without that another day?  Do I really need that now?  Can I substitute this for that?"  If the answer is no or yes when appropriate, I don't go.  It has a tendency to catch up with me, for sure.

Stay safe.  Be well.  Keep your powder dry.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said... has given me a much cherished niece!! I find it all fascinating.