Thursday, December 23, 2021

Still Kickin'

1)  Not much has been happening, and 2) it's been way too cold to sit and type with frozen fingers, but the denizens of Farview Farm are all alive and well.

We had sun for a few days, but it never warmed up.  Michael's outings have been brief at best, definitely of the get 'er done and get back in the house variety.  I'm just the escort and he gets to set the pace, but I'm all for keeping to his schedule on cold, cold days.  Since it's pouring rain and windy, I doubt today will be much different.

Thanks to Florence and Dan, we're decorated for the holidays.  They brought a small poinsettia that now sits on a tall stand away from the cats and just to the side of the TV so I can enjoy it daily.  Couldn't see the sense of putting up anything else for just me, and I hate to think what rambunctious Ralph would do to a decorated Christmas tree.  He gets older, but he doesn't change.

While it's not quite as cold today, we're due for a week or so of rain and snow.  Can't say we're looking forward to that.  I doubt the wildlife are either.  Once in awhile the tribe of turkeys marched through and Michael and I were startled the other day when a covey of quail flew out of the juniper in front of us.  Deer sightings have been rare...I miss 'em.

Happy holidays to one and all!

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah so nice to "see" your voice here on the blog. Sorry it's so cold and rainy, but glad you are all still kicking!!