Friday, September 27, 2019

Good Intentions

Yeah, know where good intentions will take you.  Every single day I wake up with this marvelous list of what I'm going to accomplish and every night I go to bed with a pitiful offering of, if I'm lucky, maybe three little things crossed off.  It's hard to give myself a gold star for emptying the litter box.  I mean, really?

I had honestly intended to go to bed at a decent hour last night.  Falling asleep in the chair night after night is ridiculous, as well as uncomfortable.  Uh huh.  PBS is showing reruns of Downton Abbey, one of my favorites, and I have a number of episodes recorded on DVD.  I made the mistake of playing one just about the time I should have gone to bed.  Three back-to-back, hour-long segments later, Michael and I headed down the hall.  It was 2:30 a.m.  I wish I were a person who goes to the movies.  If there was ever a film that would tempt me out of the house, Downton Abbey would be it.  The last movie I saw was March Of The Penguins in 2005, and that only because it was an extremely hot summer and the theater had air conditioning.

Gadabout or not, things have got to get done today.  Arden is coming over in the afternoon and, in addition to the spiffing up that I should have done yesterday, Michael and I have to make a dash into town.  At least that is my intention.

Ohmigosh, it's just light enough to see out the window and what do I see?  Fog!  Fog so think I can't see the hills across the road.  I'm not going to town in that, for sure.  So much for good intentions.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I could have written SO much of that...projects not done...and naps in a recliner! Oh is another day!