Sunday, September 15, 2019


Unbidden, sometimes my computer does "updates."  Usually, this is behind-the-scenes stuff and I never know what's going on.  The last time, all of a sudden everything on the screen was enlarged.  It was a little disconcerting at first, but when it came to writing the blog, I found I didn't need my glasses to see what I was/am typing.  That's pretty cool.

Yesterday being Saturday, I got my oh-so-looked-forward-to call from Deb.  She and Craig had caught some coughing bug a week or so ago, and they're finally feeling better.  I like that kind of update.

In the afternoon, I got a surprise call from Larry, my kid in Hawaii.  Larry's last name starts with a T.  He has rejected my suggestion that they name their baby Elmer.  I just want the boy to get to a certain age so Larry can say, "ET, phone home!"  Larry and I don't talk often, so it was nice to catch up.

As often happens, I fell asleep in the chair last night.  Michael had given up on me and took himself to bed.  I woke up to a late night/early morning program of Country/Western music with lots of big-name stars.  My dad was a fan of C/W music, and I watched the program and remembered him singing in his tenor voice.  When I finally did turn off the TV, it made for some nice dreams.

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