Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lucky Us

First off, we did not get a visit from the trash police yesterday.  Whew.

Second, the rain held off until Michael and I had our morning walk around.  The girls seem to know now that the dog (aka wolf) is no threat to them and come right up to the fence in the corner of their pen.  They and Michael stare at each other.  Michael is so low key that the only way I know he is excited (as excited as he gets) is when he sort of hums.  He hums at the girls for a bit and then we go on our way and Michael attends to his business.

Stanley and his girls are real birdbrains, without enough sense to get in out of the rain.  You never saw three such bedraggled creatures with soggy feathers.  Their coop is open so they have shelter, if they would use it.  I don't want to jinx the situation, but it's been quite awhile since Stanley has made an attack.  I still don't turn my back on him.

After months of open doors and open windows, it seems odd to have us shut in against the chill and damp.  We got a good, soaking rain without the wind of Monday.  The cats are worse wusses than I.  Rarely did I sit down without one or two (usually two) in my lap.  The rain let up in the afternoon and the sun came out.  How fresh everything smelled on our evening walk.  We log at least a half-mile a day now, good for him and good for me.  I do wonder how Michael and I will cope when the real weather comes.  I doubt either one of us is up for a soaking.

Looks like it's going to be a sunny day.  I'm all for that.

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