Friday, May 8, 2020

Newton's Law

I speak here of Newton's First Law of Motion:  "An object at rest will remain at rest unless forces are applied."  (Sorry, Sir Isaac...paraphrased and simplified.)

Since I am the only one here, I guess it's up to me to apply the forces needed to get me up off my rusty-dusty and get something accomplished.  It's been too easy of late to sit and vegetate, putting off things that cry out for attention.  "Oh, it's too hot/cold.  Oh, that can wait until tomorrow.  Oh, it's not that bad yet.  Oh, the cats are on my lap and I dasn't disturb them," when the plain truth is, "I just don't want to."  Michael gets his walks in and some days that's about it.  Shame on me.  There isn't enough paper to make an honest To-Do list, so I'm going to get back to the Three-Things-A-Day variety and see where that gets me.

There is one thing for which I've had a very good reason for not doing.  For the past couple of days when Michael and I have walked past the woodpile, I've heard very loud, constant buzzing.  I won't take Michael anywhere near there, but I need to find out whether it's a colony of bees or a wasp nest and take appropriate action.  If it's the good guys, I can hopefully find a beekeeper to relocate them.  If it's the other kind, I can go armed with spray.

Having bared my sloth in public will hopefully provide the incentive to get moving, even slowly.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yep, I think the "I just don't want to," when you live alone and you have put in years of just fine. I have started practicing that myself!!!