Tuesday, May 19, 2020


You've got to give the old girl credit, Nature does not do things by halves.  It had rained the day before with a blowout at the end.  Yeah, well, it was nothing compared to yesterday.  Rain, rain, and more rain, and when the sun did come out late in the day, the wind took over, bending the trees sideways and littering the ground with leaves and small branches.  Michael and I double-timed it on our walks and he didn't need urging to "Let's go to the house!"

I try hard to keep to my mission statement of reporting on rural life.  In a non-biblical sense, I am in the world, but not of it, and I prefer it that way.  I keep abreast of the news.  The mounting numbers of illness and death from Covid-19 literally bring me to tears.  I am aghast at what has happened to politics; the pettiness and divisiveness is abhorrent.  Hardworking people have lost their livelihood through no fault of their own.  In many ways it is like a tsunami of pain and evil sweeping through our country and the world at large.  Uffdah!  Yes, I have strongly held opinions, hopefully well informed, but I prefer to keep them to myself and write about a haven of peace here at Farview, where the only conflict might be the occasional catfight between siblings.  It's no wonder I dislike leaving home and can't wait to get back when I do.

Michael has an appointment for a pedicure this morning.  It's raining again (still).  At least the truck is getting washed.  Welcome to my world.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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