Tuesday, May 26, 2020


The old proverb says that pretty is as pretty does.  Peonies don't have to do anything.  Being pretty is enough.  More buds on the single have opened and the big double is in competition.  Those will have to be staked so they can hold their heads up high.  Just think, these are only two of the twelve or so plants in the front garden.  It wasn't so long ago I was bemoaning the lack of flowers.  Shame on me.

Camille performed a real act of friendship when she sent her own helper dude over to me yesterday.  He's been working for her for a while and she's been pleased.  I should explain that finding a good helping hand is hard to find up here.  There are guys that say they want to work, but then don't show up or do a lousy job when they do.  I would have understood if she wanted exclusive rights to this gentleman.  The new HD came when he said he would, I showed him what I needed done, and he went right to work with his weed-eater.  He did an excellent job and I told him so.  Now I can get to Lonesome Lulu's pen without worrying about snakes in the knee-high weeds.  I guess I passed muster as an employer because he gave me his card and told me to call if/when I needed him again.  Whew!

I really missed the boat when I shilly-shallied about putting Fu Manchu to work.  In a week's time, I've gone from sweatshirt and a hoodie to a tank top.  The temperature jumped up to the hundreds and it's fire season.  If the weatherman is to be trusted, we're supposed to drop into the fifties next week.  I know what I'll be doing.  I sure don't want to waste Dude's hard work around the edges.  Mowing the field and yards is up to me.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So glad for the gorgeous peonies and your new HD! Yay!