Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Nice Surprise

What a nice surprise it was to have a visit from an old friend.  Joe's daughter is seventeen now, and their family bought goat milk from me for years, since she was a baby.  Joe is doing some work for the couple I bought Lucy and Ruth from, my first two goats and the start of Farview Farm.  Knowing Joe was coming here, they sent greetings.  The porch is becoming my meet-and-greet place.

A surprise of the other kind was a call from the oncologist's office, the one that was so adamant that I get the blood work done immediately.  Yeah, well.  I had told the phlebotomist to draw enough for both of the doctors with whom I have appointments, and she did.  However, the lab failed to perform the one test guessed it...the oncologist.  Michael and I will be going back to town today.  I'm not happy.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Well THAT'S a fine how-do-you-do! Darn the lab!