Monday, June 8, 2020

Better Than Good

No, I still haven't gotten round to mowing.  If weather, hot, cold, or windy, wasn't a good enough excuse, yesterday I had a better one. Dave, eldest son, had made noises about coming up on Saturday, but ran into problems with his bike.  (Bike, in my family, refers to motorcycle; not to be confused with bicycle.)  He hadn't mentioned an alternative date, so it was a surprise, and a wonderful one, when he drove up just as I was going out to mow.  No, really I was!

I haven't seen any of my Kids since Christmas and ohmigosh have I missed them.  Because of work, distance, etc., we don't get together often throughout the year, but there are those times when everything comes together and, boy, those are the times I look forward to.  (I know, I know, you English purists, that should be " which I look forward."  Deal with it.)    Once in awhile one or the other will come up spontaneously and it's a gift.

Darn this virus!  Dave is a big bear of a man and gives bear hugs like nobody's business, and I didn't get one yesterday.  I couldn't invite him in or fix him a meal, so we sat out on the front porch to talk.  Dave's job keeps him in constant contact with a lot of people and, as he said, he was the worst one to come up and see me for fear of spreading possible contagion, thus the caution.  He did take care of a couple of tasks for me, like moving the big dead branch that had fallen on Truck (no damage, whew!).  As it always does when my Kids visit, time just flew by and Dave needed to get home.

It's the season for the standard warnings:  watch out for deer, the quail baby choo-choos and turkletts, suicidal squirrels, etc.  Those creatures are out in numbers now and could spell disaster for a biker.  Not just motorcycles...I had a friend who hit a deer with her van and it cost $10,000 to get it fixed...the van, not the deer.

It was sad to see Dave go, sans hug, but gosh it was good to see him again.

No mowing again today.  I've put off going to town as long as possible and can't avoid it any more.  Sigh.

Yesterday was better than good.  It was grand!

Stay safe.  Be well.

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