Tuesday, June 2, 2020

So Much For That

I had already removed the cats from my lap in anticipation (maybe that's not the right word)...okay, readiness to go out and mow yesterday when the phone rang.  It turned out to be a rather lengthy conversation and the morning was moving on.  I again displaced the cats whose motto is "If she's sittin', we're fittin'."  Ring ring, or my musical ringtone equivalent, the one that makes Michael sing.  It was the AT&T guy whose appointment for last week I hadn't cancelled.  "I'm in the area and will be there shortly."  This couldn't take long, right?  "Shortly" turned out to be less than ten minutes.  I told him where the box was and left him to do his thing.  Maybe five minutes later he was on the front porch.  I stayed inside, antsy to get on the mower.  Seems there was nothing he could do about my problem; maybe it was the phones.  Oh well.  I thanked him and was ready to say goodbye when he started chatting.  This is a guy who works alone and goes home at night to stay in place.  It was pretty obvious that this man was suffering from isolation.  He started telling story after story.  "Wait, this one will make you laugh," and off he'd go again.  Before he left, he gave me the better part of a can of wasp spray from his truck as he'd noticed a few buzzing around.  That led to another story about rattlesnakes.  I kid you not, that man was here for over forty-five minutes.  The morning was gone.  So much for mowing.

My daughter called.  She has been sewing face masks for herself and Craig and wanted me to know she was sending me a couple.  She said she's made more than fifty, giving them out here and there.  It will be nice not to look like a bandito with a kerchief tied around my face when I go out among 'em.

I gave a passing thought to mowing in the late afternoon, but my incentive, weak at best, was gone.  So much for that.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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