Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I'm doomed.  Computer did another update this morning.  I have yet to find what hidden booby traps are in store for me there.  Even worse, Blogspot has sent a warning that they are going to update late this month.  Oh goody.  Bear with me then while I work my way through that when it comes.  Why?  Why-y-y? as I shake my fist at the heavens and howl.  Obviously, I don't do well with updates.

On the other hand, it could be that my life could use an update.  I'm pretty much stuck in a do-nothing rut.  I say that, but then again what would I change?  I'm past the age for travel.  I certainly don't need new clothes.  Good grief, I can't remember the last time I traded bibbies for a dress; could have been a couple of years ago.  Arden told me she'd just attended a large, safe-distance party and had such a good time.  (Makes me shudder.)  No, I'll stick with what I have and be glad that I've got it.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...


I wish I had the power to change our world and treat everyone equal....and create peace within all nations and races.