Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Best Laid Plans...

I awoke this morning with the dog and both cats huddled on the bed with me like shipwreck survivors and the wind screaming like a live thing trying to get in.  It was reassuring to see the glow from the bedside clock, and I'm amazed we still have power.  Most of my pre-storm preparations have gone for naught.  Despite the trenches, the barn flooded with the 1-1/2 inches of rain we received yesterday.  The wind moved the deck furniture around the house and into the herb garden.  Fifty mph gusts drove rain up onto the firewood I'd carefully stacked by the front door.  I fully expected to see the silly chickens who insist on going free-range whirling past the windows, followed by a crone on a bicycle.  Last night I played a slippery game of hide-and-seek around and around the hen house with one of those goofy little girls who couldn't find the open gate. 

Bessie Anne, Frank and Pearl made a quick foray outside this morning, and an even quicker return.  It's trash day, but I've opted not to haul the barrel down to the big road.  It's enough that I'll have to psych up to go out and milk.  It's just light enough to see outside now, and it's going to be a rerun of yesterday.  It's still raining.

1 comment:

Linda Cox said...

Good luck! Rinse AND repeat while you still have water!