Thursday, October 16, 2014

Flip The Switch

On.  Off.  On.  Off.  That's the way I work these days.  The day before was an "on" day, so naturally I took yesterday off.  It did, in fact, rain (on and off) most of the morning and a perfect time to make a couch-potato casserole:  me layered between Celeste and Bessie Anne, and warmed slowly.  Ralph was probably holed up in his man cave (the shower stall).

In the afternoon, I ventured out to make a "quick trip" to town.  Rarely do I go to town for just one item, but I wasn't willing to pay the exorbitant increase for the "convenience" of going no farther than Mt. Aukum.  It's a no-win situation:  seven minutes in the store and a nearly two-hour round trip versus a ten-dollar savings.  The rain had stopped much earlier, but evidently there are those who do not consider the changes on wet mountain roads made slicker by a coating of fallen leaves.  Caution signs were out and I (slowly) passed workmen who were repairing downed power lines after a spin out.

Two batches of feta cheese were my only accomplishments for the day and I fell far behind in the points race.  Linda is a kind person but while she said nothing, I could hear a touch of gloating in her voice as she totted up her advantage.  That's okay, I'm going to flip the switch to "on" today!

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