Monday, May 17, 2010

As Normal As It Gets

The festivities are over, the guests have gone home.  Life at Farview has returned to as normal as it ever gets.  Frank and Pearl come in to sleep on the bed again.  Larry brought Chloe, his beautiful, bouncy Boxer puppy, and the cats kept a low (very low) profile while she was here, preferring to stay out in the barn at night.  I had mowed before the party, but the weeds have shot up a foot overnight.  I heard a minor dispute amongst the chickens last evening and went to check on them.  A mother turkey had brought twelve little turklets to feed on the birdseed I provide and was warning the hens not to come too close.  There's always one straggler lagging behind the troop, yeeping at the top of its lungs, "Wait for me!"  Turkey babies lack the discipline of quail and follow mama in a loose-knit group.  Quail babies line up and follow like a choo-choo train.  Word of the free lunch has gotten out in the hummingbird community and the tiny guys are slurping up two quarts of "juice" a day.  It's time to get back on schedule and go milk the girls...back to normal.


Cally Kid said...

I'm so glad to hear you had such a great birthday weekend. I sure they didn't make the drive for just the view. The abundance of food and free room were the kicker. Were they surprised at the poker game that the house took 10%? Did you advertise on Orbitz for a bed-n-breakfast weekend to have so many guests? I can only guess what food you prepared....Goat Cheese and Avocado Dip...Goat Cheese and Chilpote Dip...Goat Sour Cream and Chive Dip..Egg Frittata...Goat Cheese and Egg Frittata...Deviled Eggs...
Post a CommentScrambled Eggs....Goat Milk and Guava Smoothies...Warm Goat Chocolate Milk (with a shot of Baileys)....and when they showered in the morning they all had their personal Goat Lotion Soap....right? If you weren't so loved you wouldn't have had such a great opportunity to expend your surplus from the Farm. You absolutely deserve it. Happy Post Birthday My Friend!

Cally Kid said...

I have to post a PS. There is nothing "Normal" about you or your life!

Kathryn said...

Mark, maybe it should be, "As Normal As It Gets...For ME!!!" But if you were "normal" Bo, then there probably would be no goats, no chickens, no turkey kidlets, and no tatoos. And no blog! Now how fun would THAT be???