Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dolly's Promise

In so many ways, I can always count on Dolly.  No matter how many months go by between visits, when we do get together the conversation picks up where it left off the last time and it's as if no time at all had passed.  Our running joke is that she is a rainmaker.  Dolly always keeps her promise, albeit yesterday it was a weak one.  The day was hot and bright, and we had even commented that perhaps the charm (or curse) had been broken.  Most of the afternoon was spent in the kitchen talking while I used up the last huge zucchini for an equally huge batch of fritters.  (I love 'em and Dolly hadn't had them before.)  Still talking, we spent some time out on the deck, noting that it was a very still and quiet day, and later went out to see what was left of the garden.  And then looked up.  Without our noticing, the cloud cover had moved in and the sky had darkened.  Dolly's here!

Satisfied that the point had been made, the clouds moved on over the hills and left us with an absolutely beautiful sunset.

It was a good day.


Kathy V said...

Beautiful sunset. Granddaughter Violette and I were treated to one last night, too here on the Central Coast. Plenty of mare's tails. I was able to share that piece of grandma wisdom. Hope you have a few drops of rain to keep the Dolly tradition.

Kathryn said...

Nice to know that some things, like friendships and charms, remain the same! Enjoy the rest of your Dolly visit!