Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Tree Guy's Sons One and Two came to split wood and decided to work on the stuff left from last year under the front yard oak.  I'm sure the weatherman was disappointed because we didn't hit ninety degrees and go for the record, but it was still warm enough that working in the shade was more appealing to the guys than down in the sun in the field.  When the splitter stopped after a few hours, I went out to give atta-boys.  Walking around under the tree while the guys showed me all they'd accomplished, I noticed a trail of sap running down the oak.  Chills ran down my spine as I realized the weight of a huge branch was splitting the trunk.  After losing trees last year, I couldn't face the thought of losing another.  TG drove up about then and we discussed a plan of action.  That limb will have to come off and pretty soon if the tree is to be saved.  Not exactly the way I wanted to stock the woodpile.

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