Thursday, July 8, 2021

Ralph In Charge

The thought of goofy, rambunctious Ralph being in charge of anything is a little unsettling, but he has become the self-assigned Keeper of Sleep and he takes his duties seriously.  I get to choose when we all go to bed, but as soon as the light goes out, the Keeper takes charge.  As soon as I'm settled, I feel the gentlest, softest pat-pat-pat on my face.  Sometimes it takes him a couple tries to find just the right position, but I am required to then wrap my arm around him for a snuggle.  Every night.  Now if he's late, I worry.  I find that soft, warm cuddle so comforting. if that is his intent.  Just as I'm drifting away to Dreamland, having performed his duty Ralph moves off to his own place on the bed.

Lately, his To-Do list has expanded to the morning.  I'm normally an early riser, but my wake-at-will evidently didn't suit Ralph.  He runs a tight ship.  How he knows when five a.m. comes, I don't know, but it's just that time when I get the pat-pat-pat on the face again.  "Wake up, Woman!  Time's a-wasting!"  Pat-pat-pat.  As I've said so many times before about our life here, I'm not in charge.

Our trip to town was as expected.  Add another doctor to the list.  I must have a cataract removed.  I've seen that coming (that's a joke, son), but just the thought gives me pause.  At least Michael made more friends.

The big heat is supposed to land today and last for the next week.  Even with a cloudy eye, I'm not looking forward to that.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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