Thursday, July 1, 2021


Not only had I put off going to town by a day, I cut it really close on time yesterday.  Nothing like a challenge in a humdrum life!  I made it to the lab (the mini-vampires) with not much time to spare, and then everything came to a screeching halt.  Michael may be the only one who enjoys these trees, bushes, and posts that require his attention.  We got out of the truck in the empty parking lot and he immediately headed toward the nearest tree.  I tripped on the concrete abutment and went full length into the mulch.  Quick systems check.  No damage done other than to my ego.  Yeah, well.  One of the more debilitating conditions I've encountered of late is loss of strength, especially in the legs.  I couldn't stand up no matter how I tried.  Time was ticking way, and there I sat.  A car drove in and a nice lady and her dad got out.  "Are you okay?"  "Well, not really.  Could you help me stand up?"  She gave a small effort, but I think she was afraid she'd break that which had not been broken.  Nice Lady went into the building, leaving her father, who was blind and nearly deaf, to keep an eye on me (that's a joke, son), and came back to tell me the lab was closed and that she had called 911, stressing that it was not an emergency.  Throw in another 'yeah, well' here.

In no time at all the parking lot was filled with a hook-and-ladder fire truck, an EMT van, an ambulance, all with flashing lights, and what seemed like ten firemen!  All this and all I needed was a boost.  How many ways can you say embarrassed?

There is a reason firemen pose for calendars.  There must be some criteria for handsome and cute when they hire on.  In my now two encounters, these guys met every requirement.  And they are kind.  Don gave me a once-over and decided I wasn't real damage done, and agreed I didn't need to go to the hospital, although he offered several times.  Finally he pulled me up by the back of my bibbies, saw that I could get into the truck on my own, and let me go.  Yes, I was shaky, more with embarrassment than anything else.

When I say I don't like to go to town, I really, really mean it.  And I still have to go back to get the lab work done.  Aarrgh!

Stay safe.  Stay on your feet.  Be well.


Emmy said...

So sorry to hear about that fall.
I too fell over concrete thing in parking lot, right in front of health food store. They rushed to give me all sorts of meds to lessen the injuries.
I only wanted to go daughter and dog who she was taking out of car when I fell, were dully upset…
That’s probably last time she will offer me a drive.
She now points out every barrier over an inch that we come to.
Ice is best remedy.

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh so very, very sorry.