Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Looking Up

Evidently Robin (he's too tiny to be Batman) has chosen the downstairs for his living quarters because I could find neither hide nor leather wing in my part of the house.  I haven't been downstairs in a couple of years, so he's on his own.  I'll admit I've not spent much time looking up at the ceiling, especially at night, but I kept looking up last evening in case Robin decided to be like the bats at Carlsbad Caverns to come out and forage upstairs.  I guess it could be worse, otherwise people could say I have bats in my belfry.

Camille has added a peacock to her menagerie, and is hoping to find a peahen to join him.  Some people find their screams irritating.  I don't because they remind me of our many wonderful camping trips over in Williams, where peafowl abound in the campground.  When forty or fifty of these magnificent birds fly sixty feet up into a tree to roost and their highly decorated tails hang down, they glow like a Christmas tree in the sunset.

While going to town is low, low, low on my list of favorite things to do, it won't be so bad today because Truck has a/c.  Michael will go with, of course.  With this latest heat wave, he's come to learn that if I go to the other door in the living room with leash in hand, he's going to get a cool hose-down and he's ready for that!

Stay safe.  Stay cool.  Be well.

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