Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Made It

Start to finish, it was one of those days.  The first inkling came when the power went out while I was still at the computer in the morning.  Oh great.  No power, no water, and I was due at Vampire Hall.  After the heat spell we're having, a shower was mandatory.  The PG&E gods must have been laughing as they left me a whole ten minutes before deadline when they waved their wand.  I made it to the Hall with three minutes to spare, but clean.

I really felt bad for the vampire assigned.  It took her four attempts at hitting a productive vein.  After the last visit, I'm beginning to think I'm being used to train new phlebotomists.

I knew when I left the house that I was low on gas.  Surely I could make it to town and back (she said).  One eye on the road and the other on the gas gauge and fingers crossed on the wheel, I headed home.  With the needle dipping lower, it was decision time.  Try to make it to Mt. Aukum and risk getting stuck on the road in 90+ degree heat, or head for home where I might have options.  I opted for home...and made it just as the needle went into the red.  Whew.

I had things to do, but decided I'd earned a nap.  My mistake.  The TV had been on when I closed my eyes.  I awoke to a blank screen.  NOooo!  We'd lost power again.  No water, no ceiling fan, aaargh, and no lights when it got dark.  We still had no electricity by 10 p.m. and I gave up.

I won't say it was the best day, but we made it.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ay yi yi!! So sorry for your challenging day!