Friday, June 18, 2021

The Iceman Cometh

(Apologies to Eugene O'Neill, play, 1939.)

Wow, it got all the way down to 72 last night,.  That's a nice daytime temp, not so great for sleeping.  Even Ralph was up and down.  That first bedtime cuddle is lovely, not s'much when he wakes me two or three times more by patting my face after I've finally gone to dreamland and I'm required to "assume the position."  Ah well.

I'm using ice at an alarming rate and am seldom without a glass of ice water by my side.  My refrigerator is equipped with an ice maker, a marvelous invention.  Back in the day, we had metal ice trays with a handle to loosen the cubes, later followed by plastic trays one could twist to release the ice.  The problem with both types was that "someone" in the family would leave maybe one or two cubes for the next guy instead of filling the tray.  I'm grateful for the large bin in the freezer.  We're at that stage when rolling power outages are a real threat and I could lose my supply of lifesavers.  While it tries to keep up with my daytime demand, it works overtime at night.

I've read that a dog's thick coat acts as insulation against heat.  Michael sure didn't seem comfortable yesterday.  The only relief I could offer was to take him out on the deck and hose him down and leave him to drip dry.  I think (hope) it helped.

Today's temps are predicted to rise even higher.  Sigh.

Stay safe (and cool).  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Sounds like your dreaded summer heat has certainly come. Do you have a pool for Michael? Not sure he's the pool type, but I know Bessie Anne loved it! Stay as cool as you can.